Celebrating Halloween COVID Style

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Celebrating Halloween COVID Style

by: Jasmine Reed

Without a doubt, the year 2020 has been one for the books. So much about it has been far from normal, yet, as parents, we imagine the desire to maintain some level of normalcy for  your child hasn’t gone away. And we’re certain that comes with its challenges! You’ve tried to get creative with the masks, and make them just as essential to an outfit as a pair of shoes. However, according to your crying and agitated three-year-old, it’s a complete violation of space. You’ve done your best to keep birthday celebrations exciting, even though the attention span of toddlers and Zoom meetups don’t really mix. And the holidays/celebrations just keep rolling in, forcing you to rely heavily on your improvising skills. 

With Halloween fast-approaching, you’re probably wondering how to make it just as exciting, while also taking all of the necessary safety precautions to maintain your family’s health. No need to fret. You know your Vinehouse family always has you covered! We’ve curated a special, COVID-19 Halloween activities list. Whether you’re having a spooky (or not so spooky) family movie night, whipping up some ghostly treats in the kitchen or seeing who has the best pumpkin decorating skills, it’s sure to be fun (and safe) for the entire family!

  • At-Home Scavenger Hunt - Just because we’re spending more time at home doesn’t mean we’re confined to the couch! Encourage your family to get up and get active this Halloween, by placing chilling clues around the house. Whoever finishes the scavenger hunt first, wins a special prize!

  • Halloween Movie Marathon - Have everyone gather on the sofa in their Halloween costumes for a family movie night. Thow on a few scary, but not that scary, movies and enjoy some yummy, Halloween treats!

  • Make/Order Ghostly Treats - We can all agree that no holiday is fully celebrated without yummy food! We know you’re busy juggling so many things, so we won’t judge if you grab a box of Halloween themed doughnuts from Krispy Kreme or other spooky treats from a local bakery. If homemade treats are your jam, check out this article for some tasty ideas!

  • Spooky Neighborhood Drive-Thru - If you have neighbors who go all out with the spooky decorations, grab a few ghostly snacks, pop on your favorite spooky playlist and take a cruise around the neighborhood with the family. This is great for those of you who are suffering from cabin-fever and dying to get out of the house! Trust us, we feel your pain. 

  • Pumpkin Decorating Contest - Putting a new twist on the pumpkin carving idea, you can opt for just decorating the outside. It’s a lot less messy and more inclusive for little ones, as it doesn’t require a knife. All you need are some markers and other craft supplies that you see fit! Enjoy observing everyone’s pumpkin personalities come to life, and reward the most creative family member with a special trick or treat!

Though the way we’ll be celebrating looks totally different this year, Halloween (and Thanksgiving and Christmas, etc.) can still be a joyous occasion! Remain hopeful and optimistic, don’t overthink it and just have fun!

Have a safe and Happy Halloween Vinehouse family! 

Khiari Mcalpin